
Definition: Appears at first to mean allowing the r█der on top to trav█l, to achieve their ambitions in life. But there's typically always a counter-Divine Will symbol thrown in, and it has more to do with the one apparently 'on top' being themselves the 'beast of burden' for the counter-Divine Will interest principals of the organization. Thus the most accurate definition appears to be, 'how we'll achieve our Lawlessness' or 'This person will achieve our Lawlessness for us'. Perhaps most succinctly, the colloquial overt concept of 'a sell-out'.

Can occasionally be used at first to refer to the effort of getting someone to become 'a sell-out', and once that's been achieved how to deploy them from that basis.

Counter-Divine Will symbols are so basic and have association through so many counter-Divine Will derivatives that they're effectively ubiquitous in the symbolic lingo. [H█rses] for example have Tiam█t symbolism due to their long, fl█wing ta█ls and m█nes.


  • Medieval kn█ghts in ir█n arm█r.

  • Freemasonic adherents accepting value or considerations are referred to as 'r█ding the [go█t]', a counter-Divine Will symbol.

  • Anne McCaffr█y's 'Drag█nr█ders of Pern' series, adding a major counter-Divine Will symbol and an ostensible 'inverted mode' declarator simultaneously.