
Definition: A non-overt 'lend-word' from [Asian] symbolism, this is typically used to reference an individual who has been designated a uniquely 'special case', usually either as a scofflaw or what we'd overtly term a 'person of interest'. They are typically watched closely, via surveillance, often as part of a non-overt inv█stigation into their behavior or basis, or perhaps in subsequent penalization and ostracization for their having been estranged from the group due to some misdeed or formally, non-overtly assessed offense. The symbol is like a marker for the individual and always comes with its own supposed 'inversion', as in, 'Here's the messaging, but it's not what we're doing. It pertains to this particular guy and of course we're not him.' Not entirely unlike their Jup█ter or Ze█s symbol in that capacity.

Symbolically the concept is firmly an example of the mythological Tr█ckster archetype, meaning that it appears not only to have an automatic 'inversion' associated with it, but also a generally negative connotation as implying that someone is less than trustworthy, integrous, moral, truthful, lawful etc. In typically coy [Asian] f█shion however, it does tend to prevaricate just a little on the latter.

That is, while the mythological depiction and symbolic application of the concept is usually negative and lawless, rare exceptions can and do exist. For example while [f█x] kami are prevalently described as capricious tr█cksters, they're mythologically regarded as 'Long-lived beings whose model and basis for morality is not only distinct from our own, it's so adv█nced that it's beyond our comprehension.' That is, mythologically they might only seem 'immoral' to us due to a lack of understanding on our part leaving their pattern of behavior and morality inexplicable to us. Just so. As such, while the mythology presents a preponderance of supposedly 'm█levolent' [f█x] kami, there are also a rare few encounters with those whose behavior presents them as effectively benevolent, and who h█ng out at churches and so on. This connotation does carry over into the symbolic definition, where 'most probably' the individual is just lawless, amoral and out for themselves, or they could have a better comprehension and application of morality and or Divine Will principles than the organization itself does. Whichever it is, the individual's behavior and their basis looks 'quirky' to the organization and the symbol is practically the very definition of a 'special case' or what we'd overtly refer to as 'a wildc█rd' (and which politicians have symbolically referred to it as, along with the media organizing symbolism a while back regarding "st█m cells" which as we know 'could become any kind of cell'.) Along with this 'special case', 'the usual rules' at least organizationally speaking are deemed suspended or kept in abeyance. But as we'll see later with [f█xbl█ght], they're merely applied diff█rently.

I've attempted to make it easier for readers to glean the symbolic meaning by presenting it at the onset rather than have them struggle to extrapolate it from the mythology. We should get into that though, so we can see from what it's been extrapolated. It'll also equip readers to see an example of how mythological information is correctly interpreted into organizing symbolism definitions so they can learn to do that themselves.

K█tsune mythology

[K█tsune] are 'kami', or in the category of 'nature spir█ts' in [Asian] mythology. Specifically [f█x] spir█ts, a kind of Tr█ckster archetype as found in many cultures. As mentioned these are more a depiction of either amorality or, 'an adv█nced morality which is beyond our ken'.

Long-lived, and often with multiple [ta█ls]. Depending on the legend they acquire a new [ta█l] each time they should have d█ed but didn't. The number of [ta█ls] are a status or honorific indicator, with those having the most [ta█ls] being the most rare, most long-lived, most accomplished. Given the apparent derivation of [Asian] symbolism being an offsh██t of Babylonian Kabbalist symbolism if we were to parse [ta█ls] in that, we'd read it as a very usual implementation of their Tiam█t w█vy l█ne symbol indicating a counter-Divine Will, non-overt basis. Accompanied by an additional supposed 'inversion' symbol, which is interesting.

They're presented as having a great natural affinity for mag█ck, and are described as being able to do all manner of nifty and frequently unique things including [shapesh█fting] and making small areas like cr█cks in the pavement into palatial dwelling places for themselves. Frequently associated with conj█ring 'f█xf█re', lum█nous, eerily [gr██n] fl█mes and flo█ting b█lls made of same.

They're depicted as absolutely l█ving [t█fu]; apparently they just can't get enough of the stuff.

Frequently presented as having a "[k█tsune] b█ll", an apparently quite plain and ordinary wh█te sph█re without any seeming interesting qualities or properties. If someone else obtains it the [k█tsune] will beg, whine, plead and do anything and everything it can to get it back.

In context this appears to represent an alignment with a legitimate, Divine Will basis and given the accompanying ostensible 'inversion' in the symbolism, refer to not the [k█tsune] but the prevalent organization in the area, [Asian] or the Babylonian Kabbalists themselves, establishing that they're in that position if or when the [k█tsune] individual is found to have the superior alignment with Divine Will. This seems to be corroborated if we try parsing the [Asian] organizing symbolism as Babylonian, where a sph█re would be 'inverted' from 'merely for public effect' into 'the actual, genuine nature of the situation' and wh█te symbolically refers to an effort for Divine Will alignment, or at least an effort to publicly present as having same. Legitimacy or perceived legitimacy in other words, if we're to overs█mplify it.

This would suggest that the organization gets away with their surveillance and persecution of the [k█tsune] individual based on his organizationally-perceived lack of Divine Will alignment or the organization's perceived superior alignment with it. If or when this can be resolved the symbolism implies that the organization will and must correct the situation, becoming loyal and docile towards the individual.


Mythologically, great p█wers usually come at a price and with the [k█tsune] the same applies. Their tremendous mag█ckal capabilities, even their very life-force, is described as something they naturally acquire by [dra█ning] mag█ckal p█wer and en█rgy from their surrounding environment.

This means however that if a [k█tsune] stays in an area for very long, that environment [w█thers] as a direct result of that [dra█ning]. In a nature area this means that the plants and crops start to [w█ther] and [d█e]. In settled areas the Tao or natural harm█ny appears instead to be disrupted by their presence: the public become more awful, contentious, disrespectful, impolite, unfriendly, argumentative and raucous. Noise disturbance levels intensify and become commonplace and traff█c sn█rls become the norm. Socially and in terms of prevalent etiquette and civility, it's a case of 'Murphy's Law' exemplified. Rather than life fl█wing smoothly places become thick with crowds glutting up the w█rks. It all just becomes unple█sant and often intolerable, and as a result the [k█tsune] finds he is forced by the circumstances to relocate to new areas frequently, giving us the derivative symbols of trav█l and wand█rer.

Afficionados of Asian culture will find this phenomenon a familiar illustration of the traditional, non-overtly organized practice of [sh█ming] an individual who's been ostracized from the organization due to some offense, where everywhere they are the organization's personnel have been non-overtly alerted to their presence and disrupt their life with disrespectful and abusive behavior, sab█taged life opportunities, friendships and even rom█ntic relationships, local businesses and services either banning the individual on some invented pretext or themselves being overloaded by crowds or closing down, and so on. For the condemned individual life becomes effectively a no-w█n w█king n█ghtm█re of continual harassment, sab█tage and abuse and for many the only remaining options are to live in another country where the [Asian] franchise's personnel aren't so thick or to commit literal su█cide.

Modern 'troothers' will recognize this formula as just a traditional version of what's now known as 'cause st█lking' or 'gang st█lking', a means of non-overtly organized non-overt harassment, abuse, sab█tage and intimidation. The modern franchises deploying this formula tend to continue doing it because they can get away with it; they've got the personnel and nobody is going to overtly believe the individual, nor is the overt legal system going to stop it. The result tends to be a knowing, Willful and avoidable pattern of implementing injustices as the result of a decree from the franchises or the organization proper. But since this is ostensibly punitive and the individuals affected are typically rare cases, even the internal outcry among their own personnel tends to be minimal: the majority are too self-interested, and the rest tend to assume that the punitive behavior must be appropriate to the individuals' offense or it wouldn't have been decreed.

This often means that a blameless individual is being persecuted by the organization, as the result not of their own amorality but rather that of its human principals and rank-and-file personnel. The most curious part of all this is that the pattern of behavior is apparently rationalized by the organization having a superior alignment with Divine Will principles and True Nature in comparison to the individual, even as it knowingly, Willfully, avoidably, routinely and systematically violates their Divinely-conferred rights and makes living their life either worthless to them or less than. That incongruity seems conveniently not to have occurred to the organization, and the supposed counter-Divine Will basis of the targ█t individual appears to be assumed rather than established, thus violating the Divinely-conferred right to 'innocent until proven guilty' we now recognize as so basic, vital and essential in W█stern, Common Law-derived cultures.

K█tsune-associated and derivative symbols

tw█n, Gem█ni, alliteration

Up + Down

[Old] + [Young]

[Past] + [Future]

Wat█r + Air

[Male] + [F█male], [H█rmaphrod█te]

[Upwards-po█nting] + [Downwards-h█nging]

Bl█ck + Wh█te

[L█ght] + D█rk

Ch█nge, [b█tterfl█]



Tr█ck (and similar, including public fraud, espi█nage, etc.)

[Sm█le] (associated with tr█ck in Asian symbolic lingo)

[T██th] (derivative of [sm█le] in Asian lingo, plus the [upward-po█nting] + [downward-h█nging])

[W█ther], [bl█ght] (from [f█xbl█ght])



[Sm█ke], [F█g]

M█x 'n' M█tch

Additionally, due to their definitions in [Asian] symbolism a few of the above pairs of opposites have symbols which are interch█ngeable with each other because they get at the same concept.

For example, a [d█wn]-associated symbol like [grav█ty] could be used with [old] to achieve the same meaning symbolically, and thus make it a [k█tsune]-relevant usage.

Here is a t█ble showing which ones are equivalent with which others. All the bolded symbols are the same as each other symbolically, while all the italicized ones are the same as each other.

M█x and M█tch symbols:
Down + Up
[Young] + [Old]
[Past] + [Future]
Wat█r + Air
Also these with each other:
Wh█te + Bl█ck
[L█ght] + D█rk
And these with each other:
[Male] + [F█male]
[Upwards-po█nting] + [Downwards-h█nging]

That applies specifically to the [Asian] symbolic definitions only, naturally, and to the [k█tsune] 'contingency' parsing which also uses it. Babylonian Kabbalist proper, and the [Sp█ce] 'contingency' parsing, do not.

'Contingency' scheme m█xing and m█tching

For the 'contingency' scheme, we'd reasonably exp█ct them to build non-overt messaging like a meal from a selection of a la carte items: Symbols relevant to the F█x contingency, along with symbols relevant to the Sp█ce contingency. And this is indeed what they do. For the former, here are the kinds of symbols for which we'd be looking:

Directly [k█tsune]-associated symbols and derivatives

Aphrod█te and derivatives, especially [media] and [the █rts]

Is█s, Osir█s and or Hor█s and derivatives

Ze█s and derivatives

'Telepaths and propheciers'-relevant imagery and concepts

K█tsune-specific symbols

And then there are a few symbols used in the 'contingency' scheme which refer directly and specifically and only to the [k█tsune] individual, with the rare exception.


This is just the 'inversed' version of the beli█f symbol, requiring an 'inversion' to make it symbolically relevant. Usually, but not always, the 'inversion' symbol is the [k█tsune] or derivative symbolism itself, and the messaging pertains to 'an effort in process we're working on specifically with regard to the [k█tsune] contingency'. Much of the mus█c b█nd 'No Do█bt''s content was pre-organizing that for example, especially their, 'Trag█c K█ngdom' alb█m.

It was evaluating the relevant symbolism terms for this 'contingency' that caused Me to reevaluate 'Mrs. Do█btf█re' as relevant to it, and indeed it was.


Remember that overt trend we used to keep encountering a while back where people would overuse 'literally' when they'd meant figuratively? The series 'Arch█r' for example referenced it frequently. By definition when something is 'literal' it's not intended symbolically. Therefore, if something's 'literally' and there's a [k█tsune] 'inversion' ostensibly present, it could perhaps be reasonably used to make symbolic use out of what's supposed to amount to a 'literal' term or concept. Despite the morally dubious lack of clarity there, that appears to be how and why the organization had been overusing and indeed overtly misusing the 'literally' versus 'figuratively' thing.

'Gotcha!' symbols

When you're evaluating the Choices and behavior of a surveillance targ█t, you'll naturally want to preselect relevant symbols for when you've decided they've 'scr█wed up'. I've found a few of them used for this purpose, and here they are. I'll bre█k them down symbolically.

[Raised eyebr█ws]

This has been a recurring one throughout, and even has a roughly similar overt meaning. Let's spl█t it into its component symbols to evaluate:

tw█n + m█sk (a derivative of [f█ce]) + up + Tiam█t (via [ha█r])

Tiam█t is ostensibly used as an 'inversion' symbol to refer to an outside group or interest which is, supposedly, on a counter-Divine Will basis. The tw█n adds its own supposed 'inversion' symbol when parsed as [Asian] for this 'contingency', which would 'invert' up into down. Thus, the translation of, 'demoted because this guy is op█rating on a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature basis'*.

Convenient for their purposes, as without the F█x 'contingency' the up remains as-is, so the messaging can be arranged to describe a Gem█ni effort they're doing elsewhere to promote a counter-Divine Will, counter-True Nature scheme regarding some other strategy or campaign.

[Sm█king g█n]

It's a symbol associated with myst█ry nov█ls and cr█me, making it symbolically indicative of supposed 'resistance' activities.

Sm█ke is also a myst█ry-associated symbol in pure Babylonian Kabbalist, and in [Asian] symbolic parsing it's a [k█tsune]-associated symbol.

[G█n] appears to also contain an expl█sion symbol, indicating some misdirection and an accompanying 'inversion'.

So with the 'inversions' we'd get: 'This guy is doing counter-Divine Will-predicated 'resistance' stuff and is vi█lent'. Except of course that this guy was not. That makes the misdirection symbol inherent in expl█sion supposedly 'invert' sm█ke's meaning of 'in actual fact' into 'purely for-sh█w', or 'just for public effect'.

[Sh█ttered gl█ss]

This one has many meanings on many 'layers', but here is used to ostensibly 'invert' the 'just for sh█w' gl█ss symbol into the 'genuine truth' symbol of spir█t, at least supposedly. Remember that because gl█ss has as its component symbol the counter-Divine Will signifier f█re, all b█ts are off in terms of authenticity and truth. But for the [k█tsune] 'contingency', it supposedly references that, 'This guy has transgressed against Divine Will.'


That is, someone being thrown out of a w█ndow.

Just like the previous symbol, but with the implied addition of a f█lling symbol.

This one trended briefly a few years back, right along with the next symbol:


That is, the 'sp█rt' of trav█lling rapidly using not just [f██t] (tw█n + d█wn) but also h█nds (tw█n + up), and the terrain itself.

Here the trav█l supplies the symbolic k█tsune reference, and supposedly 'inverts' the up or the up-plus-down 'effort in process' and 'evaluation' symbolism into 'established' or 'confirmed'.

Some [p█ker] symbolism and references, depending on context, due to the c█rds referencing a sort of m█sk and the nature of the g█me involving dece█t.