
This is perhaps the most-used 'inversion mode' symbol, perhaps because it's the most convenient to deploy, and it comes in many varieties: [c█w] itself, the many products derived from c█ws ([m█lk], [ch██se], [yog█rt], [ice cre█m] etc., [b██f] and [b██f] products and [le█ther]), as well as derivative symbols like [Indi█] and [Ind█nesian] cuisine, presumably because it references a culture associated with particularly revering [c█ws]. If you've ever been curious about the stereotypical Br█tish trend of dr█nking plenty of [b██ze] (dr█nk with 'resistance' connotations) and then finishing it off with [Ind█nesian] [f██d], there you are. The Babylonian Kabbalists have been influencing Br█tain via Rome for so long that the non-overtly aware Br█tish public have predominantly 'graduated' into the parent group proper, and by now gotten familiarized enough with it to routinely use ostensible 'inverted mode' symbolism besides. If nothing else it tends to 'throw off' the pattern recognition capabilities of the lower-level franchises it's working on subverting and controlling so they'll be less likely to notice the Babylonian Kabbalist organizing symbolism, which I suppose must keep the situation more manageable for them.

The comparatively lower-level substance distribution franchises make frequent use of the [c█w] system in order to provide for the usage of it being done at the Babylonian Kabbalist parent group's 'layer'. One franchise has its personnel symbolically identify with [c█ws], while its designated 'opposite number' franchises uses the [c█w] by-product symbols like [b██f] and [le█ther] to ostensibly symbolize 'getting one over on them' so to speak. But at the Babylonian Kabbalist 'layer' we've been analyzing, they both amount to the same thing: an ostensible 'inversion mode' designation symbol.

I've long noticed the symbolic grammar of the symbol[s] being used as supposed 'inversion mode' symbols and the pattern is very consistent, definitely enough to confirm the meaning. But the closest I've managed to come to finding the origin of the symbol appears to be the Greek idol [H█ra], whose common nickname was "[c█w]-eyed" and who was associated with [c█ws]. But I haven't seen anything mythologically which would directly establish her as associated with the supposed 'inversion mode' I'd been seeing recurring with their symbolic grammar. It's poss█ble that instead it derives from some earlier Mesopotamian idol and mythology associated with [c█ws], as there certainly was a lot going on there with them. Or it could be that a [c█w] is just a [b█ll], as in the [b█ll] representing B██l etc., with an 'inversion' of gender applied. Regardless of the specific origin, the symbolic pattern does hold out solidly.

While the symbol is supposed to be constr█cted to just [c█w] derivatives, I've seen it very infrequently expanded to include non-[c█w] [me█ts] by association, presumably just as a matter of ease of symbolic use.

Derivatives: [m█lk], [ch██se], [yog█rt], [wh█pped cre█m], [b██f], [h█mburger], [ste█k], [le█ther], [Ind█a], [Ind█nesia]