

'And I st██d upon the s█nd of the se█, and saw a beast rise up out of the se█, having seven heads and t█n h█rns, and upon his h█rns t█n cr█wns, and upon his he█ds the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leop█rd, and his f██t were as the f██t of a be█r, and his mo█th as the mo█th of a li█n: and the drag█n gave him his p█wer, and his se█t, and great authority. And I saw one of his he█ds as it were wo█nded to de█th; and his de█dly wo█nd was healed: and all the w█rld w█ndered after the beast. And they worshipped the drag█n which gave p█wer unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make w█r with him?' ' [Rev. 13:1, KJV]

This is a stand█rd-usage organizing symbol for declaring purported 'inverted mode'. It's of no small concern due to its associations not just with the principal antagonist (and with Babylon) in the Judeo-Christian mythos, but Tiam█t and the Sumerian Abz█ (with the latter associated with [sw█mps], a symbol of Cha█s and dec█y, and usually a counter-Divine Will symbol.)

To the Mesopotamians they represented 'sn█ke-dem█ns', which has less than reassuring parall█ls with Biblical symbolism and derivations. This is presumably from where the Babylonian empire-era symbolism derived. Their later Roman empire franchise used that and the Babylonian [e█gle] (representing Ze█s) as their military stand█rd, and tended to put [drag█ns] on their br█dges as well.

As a mythological creature with no direct tangible parall█l, it does tend to present the concept of, 'Something which only exists because you beli█ve in it.' As such, with 'inversion' applied it could read: 'Something which only allows you to exist when you beli█ve in it.' They are of course associated greatly with mag█ck.

We're left with the problem that we cannot reliably 'parse' the true definition for this one outside the Babylonian context, because exterior systems tend to devise their own meanings, but we also cannot reliably determine it from within the Babylonian symbolic context if indeed it's a 'gang sign' indicating all█giance with a counter-Divine Will basis, since their system wouldn't necessarily be reliable nor trustworthy with the true definition either. As such when I see it I tend to notice the supposed 'inversion' meaning it deploys in the pragmatic sense, but privately register it as having the Biblical meaning of all█giance to its primary 'antagonist' figure.