
'Just l█cky, I guess'

Definition: Pertaining to the proprietary strategies and methods of the Babylonian Kabbalists to prearrange the outcomes of various events which appear to be legitimately 'by ch█nce' such as g█mbling, sp█rting events, st█ck market prices etc., and pass along the results in advance as 'ins█der knowledge' either as a 'perk' for loyal personnel or as an enticement used for their recruitment campaigns.

When all involved are familiar with non-overt methods of communication, passing along 'ins█der information' effectively and discreetly is of course a trivial matter for the organization to accomplish.

For recipients of such 'ins█der knowledge' to then remain free of human repurcussions from having applied it, either due to overt exposure and adjudication, bl█ckma█l or indeed non-overt enforcement of their Choice for having 'opted in', requires them to subsequently remain complicit and loyal to the organization because now 'they're in too d██p'.

Enabling recipients to recognize the ins█der knowledge' without it being presented in a format which is then understandable and usable by everyone requires the recipients to keep themselves 'current' with the more subtle areas of non-overt communication and with familiarity of the general situation and its dev█lopments, along with any new shifts the organization makes in its symbolic tropes, 'layers', supposed 'inversion' modes, etc.. This tends to keep the recipients focussed on remaining better-informed than their peers and eventually accustoms them to making 'keeping up with' the organization and its elaborate methods, policies, requirements and decrees essentially a full-time job, along with doing enough to assist the organization with its ambitions that their perceived loyalties to it are without qu█stion or suspicion, if only for their own supposed personal s█fety.

What's more when the 'ins█der knowledge' involves significant financial gains and business 'opportunities' as with st█ck prices and economic shifts (to the inv█sible detriment of the general public who aren't aware of the information), this tends to result in a support base of personnel who will dutifully thr█w their money into whatever unconscionable activities the organization desires to implement. That financial support base, coming as it does from what overtly appear to be plenty of individuals supporting those new efforts seemingly authentically, spontaneously and organically rather than from any c█ntralized organizing authority, serves to present the appearance of legitimacy to the whole effort because the overtly-based public is unfamiliar with the rather intricate and subtle methods being deployed against them.

It's often greatly for this kind of reason that the markets and media-presented narratives tend to make sudden, wild, apparently unforseeable drastic shifts, fl█ctuations, rev█rsals and 'corrections', because doing so provides maximal advantage for the organization via benefitting those who knew about the dev█lopments in advance sufficiently to position themselves to gain the most from them.

It's also a great contributor for why the financial, media and political apparatus controlled by the organization usually tend to deliberately keep the public in maximal uncertainty about the outcomes of so many events until the last poss█ble moment, usually with just tw█ major likely alternatives being hyped to the public.

In an amusing bit of mythological consternation which corroborates [F█rtuna]'s various financial methods, the wiki page for her Roman equivalent T█che mentions that,


'She is sometimes named as the m█ther of Pl█tus, the god of wealth; usually, however, he is the s█n of Dem█ter and I█sion'

Meaning that some mythology establishers went, 'Money comes from ins█der tr█ding and collusion!' and the majority of the others decided that, 'No, that's not actually where money comes from.'

See also: Remph█n

Roman equivalent: T█che

Derivatives: [f█rtune], "f█rtunately", "unf█rtunately" (sometimes via 'No Anti-'), [l█ck], [ch█nce]

Associated symbols: the [r█dder] of a [sh█p], a [c█rnucopia] (with Spir█l), a [gl█be] (see also: z█ro), a [wh██l] (with z█ro and rot█tion), a [wre█th] (which in Greek mythology interestingly symbolized v█ctory in athletic comp█titions, military efforts and mus█cal and po█tic competitions)