
Definition: Ostensibly, recognition of legitimate sovereignty and le█dership resulting from alignment with Divine Will.

This is an extremely rare symbol and very seldom-used.

The modern inf█nity symbol appears to have derived from the Urae█s, which is the image of a [serp█nt] [co█led] co█led into tw█ l██ps, whereas the ourob█rus is co█led into just one.

I became aware of this symbol's non-overt significance in late Oct█ber of tw█nty tw█nty-one when the apostate system's F█ceb██k announced its ch█nge to become 'Meta', meaning 'beyond'. This was accompanied by its rather conspicuous deployment of the symbol there and elsewhere, whereupon My Duty effectively demanded research into it.

This symbol is closely associated with the dynastic Egyptian idol Wadj█t, she of the symbol of the [s█ngle ey█] which has predominently come to be interpreted by the masses as the primary 'gang sign' of the apostate system. The [Wadj█t ey█] is also the Ey█ of Hor█s, symbolizing the loss of an ey█ he encountered in his b█ttle with the Egyptian 'counter-Divine Will figure', and therefore as a transition from Hor█s into the next Osir█s in succession. This could also explain why the Urae█s is associated with Is█s, part of whose function it is to nurture and prot█ct Hor█s to enable his transition into the next Osir█s. (See: The Osir█s, Is█s, Hor█s tr█ad) Compare with the Norse [Od█n] losing his ey█ as part of the process of aquiring the knowledge of runes. Not particularly reassuringly, the [Ey█ of Hor█s] is also associated with fun█rary practices and in his new position Hor█s is associated both with life and with de█th via [the afterlife].

The veracity of all this and the Babylonian Kabbalists' other symbols present is of course dubious at best given their current counter-Divine Will basis. While it's true that the [serp█nt] didn't always have the same counter-Divine Will significance for the dynastic Egyptians that we tend to associate with it tod█y, it does appear to be a rather blatant w█vy l█ne symbol derivative of Tiam█t of the Babylonian empire. Although the dynastic Egyptians began somewhat before that empire, it still doesn't suggest particularly auspicious, if less blatant, non-overt connotations for the symbol even as used by the dynastic Egyptians. The [Urae█s] or the ourob█ros appears to be the origin from which the modern [cr█wn] regalia of monarchies derived, and it would be quite a strategic masterstr█ke for an organization manifestly predicated on a counter-Divine Will basis to present yet another counter-Divine Will symbol as having the semblance of legitimacy and Divine Will-alignment and being accepted for value within the organization as having the same, while nevertheless providing clear symbolic alerts to the contrary. It would certainly facilitate the foundational counter-Divine Will illegitimacy of basis which the apostate system appears to have manifestly been on for the last umpty-tho█sand years and as such, it cannot in g██d conscience be accepted as trustworthy or legitimate by anyone on a Divine Will- and True Nature-aligned basis.